W1 professor with tenure track to W2 or a W2 professor with a limited contract plus tenure track specializing in the theory of history

Due to success within the tenure track programme of the Federal Government and the countries, the Faculty of History, Philosophy and Theology is seeking to appoint as soon as possible:

either a W1 professor with tenure track to W2 or a W2 professor with a limited contract plus tenure track specializing in the theory of history

The candidate should be an academic with a national and international reputation specializing in the theory of history. The Department of History at Bielefeld University views itself as a centre of theoretically guided historical research that should be further strengthened through the establishment of the new ‘Center for Theory in Historical Research’. The post holder should engage in the further development of reflection on basic issues in the theory of history in close dialogue with other areas of  research at Bielefeld, and her or his research should include work on the preconditions and basic principles of historical thought.

The successful candidate is expected to be committed to and experienced in acquiring third-party funding and to be willing to engage in interdisciplinary cooperation with other areas of research both inside and outside the faculty. An engagement in existing and planned joint projects of the faculty (Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology, Research Training Group, Collaborative Research Centre) is also desired.

The Faculty places great emphasis on gender equality and expects the future post holder to contribute to its continued implementation.

Candidates must have a university degree, pedagogical aptitude, a doctorate, and in the case of an appointment to a W2 professorship, also further academic achievements that will be evaluated exclusively and comprehensively in the appointment procedure (§ 36 Higher Education Act [HG]). In the case of an appointment to a W1 professorship, the post is limited to a period of three years with a further three-year option depending on a positive interim evaluation. A positive tenure evaluation in the final year will then lead to a W2 professorship with tenure. The W2 appointment is limited to five years with a target agreement being formulated after the appointment. A positive evaluation in the final year will then lead to a W2 professorship with tenure. The interim/tenure evaluations are regulated in the statutes for W1 professorships with tenure track/W2 professorships with tenure track.

W1/W2 tenure tracks are a firmly established equal-opportunity employment variant at Bielefeld University. Tenure track professors are offered a target-group-specific personnel development programme providing support when first coming to Bielefeld, in preparing for the interim evaluation, in preparing for the tenure evaluation, and in organizing – after a positive evaluation – the transitional phase to a W2 professorship.

Applications from suitably qualified handicapped and severely handicapped persons are explicitly encouraged.

Bielefeld University has won several rewards for its successful implementation of gender equality and is certified as a family-friendly university. It welcomes applications from women. This applies particularly to the academic domain as well as to technical fields, computer science, and the craft sector. Applications are processed in line with the North Rhine-Westphalian Equal Opportunities Act.

Please send applications with the usual documents (curriculum vitae, list of the ten most important publications, a two-page-long research and teaching concept, list of teaching courses, and copies of academic qualifications) as a pdf document (integrated into one file!) by the August 31, 2018 to:


or by post to:

Bielefeld University
Faculty of History, Philosophy and Theology
- The Dean -
Postfach 100 131
33501 Bielefeld

Please do not send application portfolios, and please submit only photocopies and no original documents because all application papers will be destroyed at the end of the selection procedure!