The University of Trier is striving to seize the opportunities of the young talent development program in order to offer talented young academics from Germany and abroad a lasting career perspective. The University of Trier contributes eight professorships to the program, promoting the future career path of the tenure track professorship as an integrative personnel development measure. Since the University of Trier is geographically located in the tri-border are of France, Germany, and Luxembourg, which entails very strong competition for the “best minds”, the program might be able to attract competent executives even at an early stage to Trier.

The University of Trier offers an excellent combination of personal, academically-qualifying and family-friendly support measures for the professional advancement of talented young academics. As the first university in Germany to be awarded the "Family-Friendly College"-award, the University of Trier continues its successful path of anchoring gender mainstreaming as an integral part of all university activities, as well as increasing the number of female professors. Furthermore, the University of Trier has developed its own competence framework in a form that is hitherto unique among German-speaking universities. This competence framework has operationalized the individual skills required for academic work and has served as a guideline for the entire design of the tenure track phase, from appointment to tenure-evaluation.

In order to ensure a sufficient number of tenure track professorships, every single W2/C3 professorship must be designated as a tenure-track professorship and should be advertised and filled accordingly. By means of applying systemic tools the University of Trier will make sure that this career path will be sustainably implemented as a future strategy for teaching and research even when the term of the program will have expired.