The Joint Federal Government-Länder Funding Programme has structurally and permanently established the tenure track professorship as a predictable and transparent career path in Germany. Below, scientists will find links to websites of institutions that, among other things, advertise tenure track professorships at German universities.
The linked pages are a selection of commercial providers with extensive data sets that are relevant for the website context.
The pan-European platform EURAXESS offers individual support for scientists, assists research institutions and companies in the search for talent and connects people, projects and financing. EURAXESS Germany is an information and consulting platform supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research for researchers who want to come to Germany or go to another country for a scientific activity.
Under the link below, EURAXESS offers current job advertisements for tenure-track professorships in Germany:
This is an external link that provides third-party content for use via dynamic linking. Notwithstanding a careful content review when third-party content is initially linked, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The ongoing review of all linked content is not possible for us, except as warranted when violations are noted or reported. The operators of external linked pages have sole responsibility for their content.
The German Association of University Professors and Lecturers (Deutscher Hochschulverband, DHV) is a service and information platform for scientists at German universities and in early career phases. The DHV offers services and consulting for members in all career phases after the conferral of a doctorate, including access to the DHV job advertisement service. Job advertisements for current tenure-track professorships are accessible here:
To the DHV job posting service
Anyone who does not yet meet the requirements for membership can enter into a service agreement for the use of these services.
Academics, a subsidiary of DIE ZEIT publishing group, is a career portal for job advertisements in the fields of science, research, the public sector and society, providing access to job advertisements for tenure-track professorships in Germany and German-speaking regions under the link below:
The DUZ Wissenschaftskarriere career portal is a service of DUZ Medienhaus. The job portal provides access to job advertisements of universities, colleges, research institutions and scientific organisations. Job advertisements for tenure-track professorships in Germany are found here: