The University of Rostock, founded in 1419, aims to create the best possible conditions for research, teaching, innovation and knowledge transfer. Under the motto of a focused network of diversity, it continues to sharpen its interdisciplinary profile.

With its appointment regulation issued in 2016, the University of Rostock sustainably entrenched the career path of a tenure-track professorship. The university's rectorate decided to have 10-20 percent of new professorships implemented as tenure-track positions financed by central funds. For the financing of a cohort of four of those the University applies for federal funding. In a strategic dialogue between the faculties and the members of the university’s rectorate, the denominations of the four tenure-track professorships have been determined to be assigned to the research areas of most strategical relevance for the university: Physiology of plant metabolism, Data Science, Cell Biology of Marine Organisms as well as Empirical Education Research and School Education.

Complementing this process, the human resources (HR) department of the university (Personaldezernat) expands its offers, particularly by formulating career paths that lead to indefinite appointment – also in positions below the professorial level. Additionally, HR services are developed by implementing a further qualification offer geared to the special requirements of the career phase between doctorate and professorship, and by launching a mentoring program for junior professors. In addition to the focus group of young researches, executives and employees of the collegial and organizational environment receive enhanced support in which the fields of action of personnel development - from job and personnel structure, recruitment, familiarisation and welcome culture, formal qualification and/or promotion and counselling, working conditions and up to resignation and/or succession planning - are dealt with holistically.