Acquiring highly-talented people early on in their careers, engaging outstanding scientists, and supporting their academic careers are all prominent elements of the University of Regensburg‘s (UR) personnel development strategy. UR's tenure-track professorship model offers young highly-qualified academics from both Germany and beyond an additional career path. This model allows them to better project and plan their career on the basis of a quality-assured appointment and evaluation process. UR's model envisages four tenure-track variants:
The UR will provide a pool of permanent professorial positions to ensure the availability of tenured professorships for positively evaluated tenured track professors. Independence and autonomy in both research and teaching will be secured through resources appropriate to the subject matter. Tenure-track professors will be supported by a mentoring team and the personnel development program “Tenure@UR”. Extension years and special support services will be provided to help these professors balance their career and family life.
The UR plans for 30% of all future professorships to be advertised and filled internationally as tenure-track by 2032. Tenure-track professorships will focus on special research areas of the university which are part of its interdisciplinary profile as defined by the university and with a strong impact on the university as a whole.